Gen Z, consisting of those born from 1995-2012, has officially become the largest generation in the world today. They are some of the most creative, driven, entrepreneurial, and technologically advanced young people the globe has ever seen. And their future impact on the world is inestimable.

Generation Z is called and equipped to rise above the global storm we are experiencing and initiate the greatest awakening our world has ever seen. They are ready. They are willing. They are born for the storm.

Dr. Billy Wilson

Dr. William M. Wilson is the fourth president of the globally recognized Oral Roberts University, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Wilson is instrumental in developing Spirit-empowered leaders through whole person education to impact the world. Wilson possesses over four decades of executive leadership. He is a global influencer, a dynamic speaker with undeniable passion, and a profound ability for equipping new generations of leaders.

Along with his role as the Chair of the Pentecostal World Fellowship, Dr. Wilson’s leadership influence includes Empowered21, the National Association of Evangelicals, Mission America Coalition, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities, and the City of Tulsa Chamber of Commerce.

Wilson is a sought-after Bible communicator whose weekly television program, “World Impact with Dr. Billy Wilson,” inspires viewers in over 150 nations and multiple languages. Wilson and his wife Lisa, have one son, Ashley, who with his wife Jamie, have three children. Their daughter, Sara and her husband Shaun have four children. The Wilson family resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


“ No matter your age or your relationship with this dynamic generation, this book is a must-read. ”
– Samuel Rodriguez, New Season Church

“ I highly commend the man and his message. ”
– Bill Johnson, Bethel Church

“ This is a must-read for any leader desiring to lead effectively in the future. ”
– Teofilo Hayashi, Zion Church

“ Dr. Wilson has a passion, insight, and revelation that will empower and inspire whoever reads this book. ”
– Russel Evans, PlanetShakers Church

“ This book is for Gen Z and about Gen Z! Everyone needs its wisdom! ”
– Andy Byrd, Youth With A Mission

“ Finally! The book about generational change we've been looking for is here. ”
– Phil Cooke, Ph.D., Author and Media Consultant

Other titles by Dr. Wilson

Let's Empower Gen Z
For The Future